The film “Animal” (2023), directed by Sandeep Reddy Vanga, tells the story of a young man’s transformation as he seeks vengeance for the perceived wrongs done to him and his family. While the film might appear as a typical revenge narrative, a closer examination reveals how it perpetuates harmful stereotypes…
Posts Taggedgender
Biosphere- A Post Apocalyptic Sci-Fi Film About Gender, Reproduction and Survival
Biosphere is a new sci-fi comedy about two best friends, Ray and Billy, who are the last known survivors of a world-ending disaster. They live in a biosphere, a self-contained ecosystem designed and built by Ray. One day, the only female fish in the biosphere dies, and things start to…
Understanding ‘Gender and Politics’
The study of politics has traditionally been ‘gender-blind’. In a discipline that focused primarily on states and inter-state relations, sexual politics and gender relations appeared to be of little or no relevance. Gender refers, most basically, to the social construction of sexual difference. As such, ‘gender’ is clearly distinct from…